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Archive by tag: staffReturn
On August 16, more than 30 Chapel Pointe residents and staff gathered in the shade at Pointe Place for a private Grand Opening of the townhome community. All of the soon-to-be residents of Pointe Place sat as Debbie Sprague, CEO, addressed the crowd, “We want to give praise to God for making this a reality, for making it happen, for the blessing of Pointe Place. Chapel Pointe is an awesome community on Hanover Street, and this is just an addition to that community. The folks who live here ...
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Chapel Pointe’s supporters knocked our socks off by selecting Chapel Pointe at Home as the best in-home care provider in “The Sentinel” newspaper’s Best of Cumberland County contest. What makes the honor remarkable is that we launched Chapel Pointe at Home in 2018 and will not celebrate its one-year anniversary until Sept. 1!“I was surprised that we won, knowing that we’re such a young organization,” said Jan Fitzpatrick, RN, Homecare Coordinator. &ldquo...
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Chapel Pointe's 75th anniversary missions project gave residents an opportunity to serve others, and the local news noticed!    
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“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Chapel Pointe residents are living proof of this truth from Acts 20:35.Residents spent the past week sorting school supplies and packing them into 600 kits so each impoverished child at Barner Christian Academy in Davao City, Philippines, will have his or her own supplies next fall.The missions project culminated in a packing party on Friday, May 17, where a buffet of pencils, glue, paper, scissors, and more awaited the eager party-g...
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Everyone’s a judge at Chapel Pointe’s annual Chili Cook-Off, where the aim is fun and the bragging rights are high!On Friday, February 22, residents and staff sampled 10 chili recipes made by staff, residents, and households. The premise was simple: the chili with the most votes wins. Congratulations to the 2019 Chili Cook-Off winners: 1st Place: Friendship Circle 2nd Place: Family Place (Both households won a dinner catered by the restaurant of their choice.) 3rd Place Tie: Sherry G...
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to encourage your friends, family, coworkers, or acquaintancesWhile everyone occasionally enjoys recognition for their angelic looks, carefully chosen outfit, or perfectly sculpted hair, as a faith-based senior living community, we believe each person’s true value lies in being uniquely created by God. This drives our mission to create A Loving Way of Life for all residents, staff, clients, and the greater Chapel Pointe family.Inspired by National Compliment Day, on January 24, we combed t...
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