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Crafting a Christian Will and Legacy

We all leave behind a legacy of one kind or another, intentionally or otherwise. Doing so with forethought and purpose is an important part of healthy aging. For Christians, leaving a legacy is more than just bequeathing material possessions. A Christian legacy reflects our faith and values, demonstrates stewardship, and can spread the gospel even after we depart from this earthly life.


Creating a will is a crucial step in this process, ensuring that we care for our loved ones and use our resources in ways that honor God. In this article, we'll explore what a Christian will entails, why it's important, and how you can create a last will to leave a meaningful legacy of faith.

What Is a Christian Will?

A Christian will is simply a normal legal will, with one key difference: it makes provisions that adhere to biblical teachings and reflect your faith-based intentions. More than just a legal document, it is a testament to your religious identity and values. It influences the distribution of your assets and how your loved ones remember you, and has the potential to share Christ’s love with the community.

What the Bible and Christian Theology Say About Creating a Will

More than 2,000 Bible verses talk about money, many of which emphasize other values such as generosity, cheerful giving, contentment, investment, hard work, trusting God, blessings, and stewardship.


While the Bible does specifically mention wills (see Hebrews 9:16-17), the connection between finances and faith always comes back to heart values, so consider these biblical principles as you craft your will:


  • Focus on stewardship.

When we recognize that “the earth is the LORD's, and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1), we’re reminded that everything we have comes from God. Our role as stewards is to manage the resources entrusted to us in a way that honors God. Your will should continue to reflect how you have managed God's resources during your lifetime.


  • How we give matters.

“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7) 

This passage illustrates how generosity can result in exponential growth. The same can be true of the resources we leave on Earth when we die. But it’s not enough to simply give generously; God wants us to be compelled by his love to give joyfully.


  • Take care of your family.

Proverbs 13:22 states, A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.” This verse highlights both the need for planning ahead to provide for your family, and the responsibility of equipping the next generation to honor God through their own wise stewardship.


  • Keep sharing the gospel.

Jesus commanded, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) Leaving a legacy means that our impact on this world doesn’t have to end. The plans we make now can spread the good news of Jesus even after we’re gone.


By living intentionally, planning appropriately, and creating a will, Christians can leave a legacy that furthers God's kingdom and supports their loved ones in a God-honoring manner.

How to Create a Will

Creating a legal will of any kind involves several steps. First and foremost, structure yours according to the laws and conventions that govern your state of residence so your loved ones can carry it out without question or contest. Then, begin incorporating the kinds of provisions that reflect your Christian values.


Laws regarding wills can vary by state, so seek out state guidelines before creating one. For example, the Pennsylvania General Assembly outlines the rules for creating a legal will in the Keystone State, which can serve as a useful reference.


Hiring an attorney to help with this process ensures legal compliance, but it’s also possible to create a will online or prepare your own paper documents. Either way, you’ll follow these basic steps:

  1. Determine your assets. Start by listing all your assets, including real estate, financial accounts, personal property, and other valuables. This comprehensive list will form the basis of your will.
  2. Decide on beneficiaries. Identify who will inherit your assets. Beneficiaries can include family members, friends, and charitable organizations. Be specific in your designations to avoid any confusion.
  3. Choose an executor. Select a trustworthy person to act as your executor. This individual will be responsible for carrying out the instructions in your will and managing your estate.
  4. Draft the will. Online tools or templates can guide you through drafting your will and ensure that you include all necessary components. Make sure to state clearly how your assets will be distributed and include any specific instructions.
  5. Sign the will. For your will to be legally binding, it must be signed and dated. In most states, you’ll also need to have it witnessed by at least two people who are not beneficiaries. Check your state’s specific requirements to ensure compliance.
  6. Store the will safely. Once your will is completed, store it in a safe place, such as a fireproof box or a safe deposit box. Inform your executor and close family members of its location so they can access it when needed.

How to Create a Christian Will

Creating a Christian will involves integrating your religious beliefs into your estate planning process. Fortunately, many faith-based resources can guide you through this process. Consider discussing your will with your pastor or trusted friends in your Christian networks. If you’re planning to move to a retirement community, choosing a faith-based senior living organization is an excellent way to set yourself up with the right support for creating a truly Christian legacy.


Here are some key elements to consider.

  1. Consult with faith-based advisors. Seek advice from Christian financial advisors or estate planners who understand the importance of integrating faith into your will. They can provide guidance on how to ensure your legal will aligns with your Christian values.
  2. Start by professing your faith. Begin your will with a Christian preamble, expressing your faith and how it has guided your life decisions. This can serve as a powerful testimony to your loved ones.
  3. Provide for your family. Ensure that your family's needs are met before bequeathing your assets in other ways. This includes appointing guardians for minor children and setting up trusts if necessary.
  4. Leave a charitable legacy. Consider including at least one charitable bequest in will provisions. This is a way to support ministries and organizations that align with your values. Leaving a charitable bequest, gift annuity, stock, trust, or other type of gift accepted by the organizations you care about most is an excellent way to continue making a difference in your community after you are gone.

Creating a will that reflects your Christian faith and values is a profound way to leave a legacy of faith, stewardship, and love. By planning thoughtfully and prayerfully, you can ensure that your resources continue to serve God's purposes — even long after you’ve gone to God.

Build a Christian Legacy With Chapel Pointe

Chapel Pointe is a faith-based continuing care retirement community. We commit each day to serving and enhancing the quality of life for people aged 62+ in Central Pennsylvania. In addition to offering amenities and social programs to boost our residents’ mental, physical, and spiritual health, we provide resources to help seniors and their families navigate health and financial planning. In fact, all of our residents are eligible to work with our partners at Orchard Alliance, a stewardship and generosity ministry of The Christian and Missionary Alliance family for over 60 years.



Nestled in eight beautifully landscaped acres in Carlisle, PA, our welcoming campus is filled with interesting places to explore and amenities that make life easy and enjoyable. We work to support not just your mental and physical health, but your spiritual health too.


From our foundation in 1944, faith has been tightly woven into the fabric of our community. You’ll notice that our faith drives us to go above and beyond the world’s expectations. Come explore opportunities to grow spiritually. A team led by our community pastor seeks to meet the spiritual needs of every resident.


Since the beginning, our team's mission has been to ensure that every resident is treated with love and the utmost respect. Experiencing our core values — trust, integrity, faith, service, and innovation — lived out every day at Chapel Pointe reassures seniors that they are making the right decision by welcoming us into their lives. We’re honored that our greater community sees the servant-heart of our nonprofit organization and consistently selects Chapel Pointe as “The Best of Cumberland County!”


Contact us to learn more about our community or support our mission by making a donation today!

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