Congratulations and THANK YOU to 22 of our dedicated employees who reached milestone years of service (5-year increments) in 2021. Years of service ranged from 5 - 40 years, with 6 employees serving 20+ years, including one employee who retired after 40 years at Chapel Pointe.
Over the past weeks, we celebrated these employees for their professionalism, expertise, and deep commitment to helping older adults at Chapel Pointe to live meaningful lives and feel loved.
“When we recognize our years of service honorees, we hear many stories about why staff love working at Chapel Pointe. It’s a great reminder that we truly are a family. I’m grateful that I work alongside such dedicated people,” said Debbie Sprague, CEO.
Each person brings something unique to the Chapel Pointe family, but our employees all have one thing in common - they're heroes! We're grateful for a team of compassionate people who choose to give their all at Chapel Pointe each day.
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